Mizuho Bank Europe Annual Report 2018

43 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 5.2 Profit and Loss (in €’000) 2018 2017 Interest and similar income 26 122,876 115,160 Interest expense and similar charges 27 (94,276) (89,774) 28,600 25,386 Commission income 28 20,360 16,532 Commission expense 29 (447) (688) 19,913 15,844 Result on financial operations 30 5,325 5,697 Total income 53,838 46,927 Staff costs and other administrative expenses 31 (24,154) (23,954) Amortization intangible fixed assets 9 (242) (270) Depreciation tangible fixed assets 10 (395) (412) Impairment of financial assets - - Total operating expenses (24,791) (24,636) Operation result before taxation 29,047 22,291 Income tax 32 (7,667) (5,625) Net result 21,380 16,666